Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Driving Life

Why the Mighty Fit you might ask? The answer is simple, we, or rather I, drive all the time, and we love doing it in our Mighty Fit. We live in a fairly rural area so getting anywhere requires hopping in the car and hitting the road. We like to take road trips as a family, and the kids both play hockey, which in Vermont means that we are traversing the entire state, sometimes going from one end to the other in a single day. Factor in long and lonely country roads, winter driving conditions, and mountain passes and it can take a toll on your car, not to mention with the price of gas, your pocket book. My job with the college also requires that I drive all over the area.

With this in mind, I think our Mighty Fit is a pretty amazing car. It gets great gas mileage, drives beautifully, and feels good on the road. When we were shopping for cars, reliability was the number one consideration, but let's face it, there are a lot of reliable cars out there. We did a lot of research and considered several of them. In the end, we kept coming back to the Fit. Truth be told, when I was growing up, Honda was the gold standard of quality and reliability, and 40 years later, it's still the case. You can find good quality and reliability in a cheaper car (though not a lot cheaper) but something about a Honda just resonated with us. I know after driving several cars in the same economical class (i.e., Matrix, Fiesta, Mazda 3, Accent) the Fit just felt better: more solid, sporty, and responsive. It 

Plus, it looks good and is very roomy. With all of these positives, we ended up buying another one and are now a two-Fit family. The reason I started this blog is because I wanted to chart all the experiences we have on the road now that we've passed 100,000 miles. My hope is that this is just the beginning of more beautiful adventures, but we shall see. Stay tuned for more.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to Olivia + Noah Wong for the pic.

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