Friday, March 25, 2016

More Good Vibes From Gerrish Honda

As I've mentioned in the past, I generally avoid buying parts from dealers because naturally I assume they cost more. Sure, the quality is probably excellent when you're dealing with Honda, but that quality comes at a price... or does it? I've been changing several lights on the Mighty Fit over the past couple of months and not wanting to mess around, I go to Gerrish Honda to get them. Plus, I figure they won't set me back too much being light bulbs and all. I was over at an auto parts store and noticed that the after market bulbs weren't that much cheaper, and in some instances, they cost more.

Armed with this information, I inquired the other day about oil filters and if you can believe this, they actually cost less at Gerrish. Sure, you can buy really cheap filters at the store for less, but do you want to mess around with such an important thing for your car? It would probably be fine, but it doesn't sit well with me. Anyway, the genuine Honda filters cost almost half of what you would pay for a high-end after-market filter. Plus, you're getting genuine Honda parts that you can trust, and the guys at Gerrish even throw in a new washer with each filter (it goes with the drain plug). Sure, you're saving maybe 75 cents, but it's the principal of the matter. They don't have to do that, do they?

I know where I'll be buying my filters from now on, though I've got to work out where to get the oil, which is not as straightforward. That, as they saying goes, is a story for another time.

Until then, thanks for reading, and thanks to alvaro cabrera for the pic.

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