Monday, March 21, 2016

121K and Counting

The Might Fit has passed 121K and I managed to squeeze in an oil change this past weekend, and I'm happy for that. It's a bit of a chore getting everything together to change the oil because I have to lug up all the tools and supplies from the basement, but it's worth it to help keep the Might Fit running smoothly. I try to change the oil every 5000 miles, give or take a hundred or two, and I've been good about hitting this target. It was due around 121,500 and I got to it at 121,700. Close enough, right?

The crazy thing is, I just changed the oil in February, and here we are in March and I've had to change it again. That's 5000 miles in one month. It just goes to show you the crazy amount of driving that we've done the last month and a half. With my daughter's hockey games in Stowe and Brattleboro and my son's tournaments in Burlington, Manchester, and Maine, I end up driving 3-4 hours round trip each time. It's sort of nuts when you get down to it, but a testament to the amazing Mighty Fit for pulling it off. I can't imagine doing all that driving in a different car. Good handling and power, legendary reliability, and great gas mileage. What more do you need? I know, I know, a lot of guys want size and braun, but all of that comes with a price.

We had another hockey tournament this weekend and I had to make 3 trips to Rutland, which is about an hour away, as well as trips to Hanover and Woodstock, i.e., a ton of driving. By the time it was all over, I noticed that I'd hit my target mileage to change the oil, but I was exhausted and didn't want to deal with much other than a nap on the couch. However, with daylight saving time, it was still light out, and the spring weather meant it was okay to be outside. I got up off the couch and brought everything up to the car.

As much as I love our Mighty Fit, I will say this: changing the oil is a bit of a chore, mainly because it's low to the ground and I have to jack it up to get under there. I'm not a huge fan of working on the car while it's elevated on one side, but what are you going to do? I usually lift one end, put two jack stands under it, and then brace the tires. Then I spend as little time as possible underneath, though getting the filter off can take some maneuvering and muscle, which is a bit unnerving.

Then I put in about 4 quarts of full synthetic and a decent filter. I haven't quite taken the plunge and paid the big bucks for a Honda filter, but that day may come soon. The guys are the parts store said Mobil and K&N filters are the better ones, so I go with them. I bought a really cheap filter once and regretted putting it on the car (only the best for the Mighty Fit).

Now I'm good to go for another 5K. Hopefully this time it will take a little longer, maybe two months? Hockey is season is pretty much over so that may be the case, but you never know.

Until the next time, thanks for reading, and thanks to Kaleb Fulgham for the pic.

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